A-League: 07/12/2023

In the mystical realm of table tennis battles, Rath, the intrepid adventurer, triumphed over his adversaries with fiery determination. Like Indiana Jones, he fearlessly navigated the treacherous terrain of the table, defeating Andy, Erich, Raymond, Rick, and Matthew one after another. His skillful strokes and unwavering focus left opponents in awe.

But let us not forget the resilience of Andy, who channeled his inner explorer to claim victories over Erich, Raymond, Rick, and Matthew. With whip-like precision, he showcased his prowess and left a mark on the battlefield.

In a surprising turn of events, Raymond, the daring adventurer, outmatched Erich, Rick, and Matthew, demonstrating the heart of a true adventurer on his quest for victory.

Erich, with unwavering determination, defeated Rick and Matthew, proving that the spirit of adventure knows no bounds, even on the table tennis battleground.

And amidst the battles, Rick showcased resilience, overcoming challenges to secure a hard-fought victory against Matthew.

As the echoes of the Indiana Jones-inspired table tennis clashes fade, the adventurers rest, knowing they have left their mark on the journey. With skills honed and spirits unyielding, they eagerly await their next adventure in the realm of table tennis.

For in this thrilling saga, the adventures of Rath, Andy, Erich, Raymond, Rick, and Matthew continue to unfold, painting a vibrant tapestry of courage, skill, and indomitable spirit. The quest for table tennis glory endures, as valiant warriors strive to conquer new challenges and seek their place among the legends.

Stay tuned, fellow adventurers, for the next chapter of this enthralling tale. The battleground awaits, ready to witness the clash of paddles and the triumph of the human spirit.

1Rath Y163335489.7%6    448.72
2Andy S161333684.6%6    423.08
3Calvin B161028682.4%5    329.41
4Erich H1460112134.4%5    137.50
5Rick M144692526.5%5    105.88
6Rudy F146581240.0%3       80.00
7Gene O153010662.5%2       62.50
8Raymond B14894640.0%2       40.00
9James W143631318.8%2       18.75
10Alec S15085455.6%1             –  
10Vin B14924544.4%1             –  
10Chihiro M14792528.6%1             –  
10Matthew A13390390.0%6             –  

Here are the match results for 07/12/2023:

17/12/2023ARath Yin1619Andy Stenson1614W8
17/12/2023ARath Yin1619Erich Husemoller1459W2
17/12/2023ARath Yin1619Raymond Bruce1477W2
17/12/2023ARath Yin1619Rick Myers1462W2
17/12/2023ARath Yin1619Matthew Atkins1349W0
17/12/2023AAndy Stenson1614Erich Husemoller1459W2
17/12/2023AAndy Stenson1614Raymond Bruce1477W3
17/12/2023AAndy Stenson1614Rick Myers1462W2
17/12/2023AAndy Stenson1614Matthew Atkins1349W0
17/12/2023ARaymond Bruce1477Erich Husemoller1459W7
17/12/2023ARaymond Bruce1477Rick Myers1462W7
17/12/2023ARaymond Bruce1477Matthew Atkins1349W3
17/12/2023AErich Husemoller1459Rick Myers1462W8
17/12/2023AErich Husemoller1459Matthew Atkins1349W4
17/12/2023ARick Myers1462Matthew Atkins1349W3

Raw footage of the matches played on 07/12/2023 will be posted to our website shortly.





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