A-League: 08/02/2023

In the enchanted realm of table tennis, Rath emerged as a formidable force, conquering every challenger with unyielding determination. Like a legendary hero, he triumphed over Calvin, Kyle, Erich, Rudy, and Matthew, leaving a trail of victories in his wake.

Calvin, displaying the heart of a true warrior, also showcased his prowess on the battlefield. With unwavering resolve, he overcame challenges from Kyle, Erich, Rudy, and Matthew, leaving his mark on the journey.

Amidst the epic clashes, the valiant Kyle proved himself a force to be reckoned with. Defeating Erich and Matthew, he carved his own path amidst the intense battles.

In a surprising twist, Rudy emerged victorious against Erich, defying the odds in an impressive upset. His tenacity and skill made for an unforgettable encounter.

As the dust settles, the cauldron of table tennis awaits its next chapter of legends. With one session remaining, Rath has clinched the Title, cementing his place as the champion of this season.

Stay tuned, dear Champions and Challengers, as we journey together through the Ping Pong Realm. The quest for table tennis greatness shall endure, and the fellowship of our table tennis community grows stronger with every session.

Until we meet again on the hallowed grounds of Pilsudski Park, let the spirit of table tennis guide you on your path to glory.

A special welcome to Master Kyle who is fresh from the “Love Boat”. Congrats to you and your lovely bride on the Nuptial!

Here are the standings at 08/02/2023:

1Rath Y166853591.4%9     731.03
2Andy S163445884.9%8     594.34
3Calvin B1624431081.1%8     567.92
4Erich H1449173433.3%8     233.33
5Rudy F1463152438.5%6     192.31
6Rick M1424103124.4%6     121.95
7Gene O153714960.9%3     121.74
8Raymond B15038947.1%3       94.12
9Alec S146861037.5%2       37.50
10James W143631318.8%2       18.75
11Kyle T15103260.0%1              –  
11Vin B14924544.4%1              –  
11Chihiro M14792528.6%1              –  
11Matthew A13130580.0%9              –  

Here are the match results for 08/02/2023:

18/2/2023ARath Yin1657Calvin Baker1624W
18/2/2023ARath Yin1657Kyle Tacy1500W
18/2/2023ARath Yin1657Erich Husemoller1465W
18/2/2023ARath Yin1657Rudy Fiebig1462W
18/2/2023ARath Yin1657Matthew Atkins1319W
18/2/2023ACalvin Baker1624Kyle Tacy1500W
18/2/2023ACalvin Baker1624Erich Husemoller1465W
18/2/2023ACalvin Baker1624Rudy Fiebig1462W
18/2/2023ACalvin Baker1624Matthew Atkins1319W
18/2/2023AKyle Tacy1500Erich Husemoller1465W
18/2/2023AKyle Tacy1500Rudy Fiebig1462W
18/2/2023AKyle Tacy1500Matthew Atkins1319W
18/2/2023AErich Husemoller1465Matthew Atkins1319W
18/2/2023ARudy Fiebig1462Erich Husemoller1465W
18/2/2023ARudy Fiebig1462Matthew Atkins1319W

Raw footage of the matches played on 08/02/2023: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWUriMPxFl8





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